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Building Business Leaders

Grace Stakeholder Investments is a business manager incubator that allows intrapreneur-minded employees to co-own (via the Company’s ESOP) and co-manage a business intending to increase professional fulfillment, financial security, and long-term value for our employee-owners. Grace Stakeholder Investments acquires; small, established, resilient, easy-to-understand manufacturing-related businesses across various industries in the United States and Northwestern Europe.

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You the Intrapreneur

At Grace Stakeholder Investments we want people with an entrepreneurial spirit.  We know that it can be nerve racking to decide to take on the risks of owning a business and that it would feel good to have support to live out a dream of business ownership.  We are that safety-net! We provide the mentoring, financial training and corporate expertise to let you thrive inside a collective of businesses as an intrapreneur. 

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